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Five tips for a worry free family vacation at the beach

To make the most of your family vacation, it’s important to plan properly. But a trip to the beach with kids may require special preparation. Here are some tips for a successful, stress-free day in the sun so that kids, as well as parents, can have fun and enjoy themselves.

Source: Pexel, Photo taken by Kampus Production

How to plan a trip to the beach with kids

The key to a successful beach day is preparation. Announce the trip to the family ahead of time and make the kids take part in the planning by assigning them small and easy tasks. Make a list of games and snacks to bring, and get them involved by helping them pack their own beach bag. They will be proud to be included in the planning for this activity. After all, the beach should always bring joy, not headaches!

Plan activities for the day, but don’t overload the schedule and be flexible in the length of the activities planned. It’s important to alternate between games and relaxation time. Even the little ones will appreciate a few minutes under the umbrella. 

Need some advice on how to plan your day? Le Navigateur Ste-Luce knows the area inside and out. Just contact us!

Source: Pexel, Photo taken by Kampus Production

How to properly protect the kids from the sun

Who says beach, says sun, of course. Although the beach of l’Anse-aux-Coques in Ste-Luce-sur-Mer is not immune to cloudy days, the sun is usually shining all day.

Limit direct sun exposure

Young children’s skin is fragile, but older children and adults should not be overlooked when it comes to sun protection. Avoid exposing children to the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., as the sun is at its strongest during this period.

Ideally, it’s recommended to stay in the shade as much as possible. Bring at least one umbrella on your trip to create a shady oasis for your little ones. 

Wear a cap and sunglasses. For younger children, opt for a hat with long brims to create a permanent shadow on the child’s face. Don’t forget sandals or beach shoes!

Set an example by taking the recommended protective measures yourself.


If you cannot avoid exposure to the sun, apply sunscreen regularly.

Note that sunscreen should never be used to intentionally extend the amount of time you spend in the sun.

Choose a sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays with a protection factor of 30 or higher, preferably 50 for the younger ones.

Apply the cream to the areas of the skin that are not protected by clothing. The easy way to determine the right amount of cream to apply is to fill the palm of your hand.

Spread the cream 30 minutes before going out in the sun, especially before and after swimming or activities of a moderate to vigorous intensity.

Use a sunscreen approved by the Canadian Dermatology Association.

Source : Santé Québec

Extreme heat

During periods of extreme heat, it’s more difficult for the body to cool down and maintain its temperature within the normal range. During such periods, your health can deteriorate rapidly. 

To prevent the effects of extreme heat, stay hydrated, cool off by swimming, reduce physical efforts and pay special attention to babies and children. 

Ideally, with young children, postpone the trip to another day to avoid complications.

Source: Pexel, Photo taken by Amber Faust

How to avoid dehydration

Make sure you have enough water for the whole family and for the whole day.

Have children drink water regularly. Provide them with a water bottle if possible and remind them of the importance of drinking often.

This advice applies to the whole family. However, adults should not consume alcoholic beverages, as they can increase dehydration, decrease reflexes, and impact the supervision of children. Remember that you must stay alert at the beach!

Water is always preferable to any other type of drink. Fruit juices, whether 100% pure or not, are not recommended, nor are energy drinks or soft drinks. Even the so-called “sports drinks” are not as effective as water.

To avoid creating additional hydration needs, limit physical activity and sports. Heat will always prevail over the human body, regardless of age.

Watch out for signs of dehydration, as even a slight lack of water can have negative consequences for both adults and children. If you notice that a family member complains about having less energy, a sudden fatigue or headaches, take no chances and act accordingly.

Source: Pexel, Photo taken by RODNAE Productions

How to properly balance the activities

Try to vary your activities depending on the time of day. For example, when the sun is at its peak, use this opportunity to stay in the shade. Bring out the picnic, play quiet games with the kids or read.

After a rest period, it’s time for a swim! Get the family moving by playing on the beach. Remember, it’s a good idea to break up your swimming time into several short sessions rather than long periods. Build sand castles, go in search of the most beautiful shells, admire the landscape and recharge your batteries through beautiful moments with your children. 

Click here to see the activities to do in the area

How to enjoy the trip safely

To make the most of your family vacation, safety is key. In addition to a life jacket for the youngest, keep a first aid kit and your cell phone within reach, and never take your eyes off children who are in the water without close supervision. Choose brightly colored bathing suits for children to make it easier to spot them among other swimmers.

Don’t overestimate the swimming ability of the older children and keep an eye out for them. Keep them in sight and prevent them from venturing too far from shore, even if the water seems shallow. Use the buddy system and make sure no one swims alone.

Make sure you are aware of local warnings about beach use and set up a safe zone for children to play in. Identify the lifeguards’ lookout points. If the beach is not supervised, you will need to be extra careful.

Remind children to keep their mouths closed when swimming to avoid swallowing salt water and to avoid diving underwater to protect their ears from possible infections. 

If you plan your trip properly, all of these guidelines, while comprehensive, will help you get the most out of your family’s time at the beach.

Have fun!

Source: Unsplash, Photo taken by Xavier Mouton Photographie

The l’Anse-aux-Coques boardwalk allows for swimming, kayak launching and kite surfing. There are also several events during the summer, including the Sand Sculpture Contest, the Sculpturales (sculpture symposium) and musical events. An illuminated boardwalk runs along the beach. Benches and picnic tables are available to relax and enjoy the scenery. In addition, many shops and restaurants are located nearby. 

Book your stay at Le Navigateur Ste-Luce and enjoy one of the most beautiful beaches east of Quebec City!